這幾天小光來我家玩,看到[103 美國直購] Bialetti 6799 Moka Express 3-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker 經典摩卡壺(MOKA) 3 杯份 _CB11 覺得很好用也想買一個

急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買[103 美國直購] Bialetti 6799 Moka Express 3-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker 經典摩卡壺(MOKA) 3 杯份 _CB11 ,懶惰的我當然是直接上網幫他下訂單啦~

雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下[103 美國直購] Bialetti 6799 Moka Express 3-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker 經典摩卡壺(MOKA) 3 杯份 _CB11在各大平台折價後的價格,再決定在哪家買


[103 美國直購] Bialetti 6799 Moka Express 3-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker 經典摩卡壺(MOKA) 3 杯份 _CB11 用過之後感覺真的很不賴!大力推薦!!!









20141001ca_Bialetti 6799


爆買Product Details

Size: 3-Cup

Product Dimensions: 4 x 5 x 6 inches ; 1 pounds

Shipping Weight: 2 pounds

ASIN: B0000CF3Q6

Item model number: 06799

Product Description

Bialetti Moka Express Stovetop Espresso Maker

The Bialetti Moka celebrates more than 80 years of classic design elegance and technological simplicity. From the early 1950s to the present day, Bialetti has manufactured over 200 million coffee makers. In particular, the Moka Express has become iconic and has allowed millions of consumers to enjoy great Italian coffee. The Moka produces a rich, authentic espresso in just minutes. The aluminum pot features Bialetti’s distinctive eight-sided shape that allows it to diffuse heat perfectly to enhance the aroma of your coffee.

Dire網友一致推薦ctions for use:

1. Fill the lower chamber with cold water just below the valve

2. Insert the funnel and fill it with ground espresso

3. Tightly screw the upper part of the pot on to the base

4. For gas stovetop, make sure the flame is not larger than bottom of pot

5. Place pot on the stovetop until the water boils and coffee begins to come out of the center post

6. When the top of the pot is full of coffee, remove from stove. Hazel brown foam appears just seconds before the coffee is completely done.









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發表者 Dori Lai, 2015/03/13 15:22:31
物超所值,Very good!超值...一樣的商品,優惠的價格!!









[103 美國直購] Bialetti 6799 Moka Express 3-Cup Stovetop Espresso Maker 經典摩卡壺(MOKA) 3 杯份 _CB11 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
































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